Ah...another fun family at one of my favorite locations. This time, it's Mamma who's outnumbered by the 5 men in her life. I really enjoyed working with them as a family and working with the boys individually. Just in the little bit of interaction time I had with each of them, I could see each of their personalities and how they were all so different from each other. For some reason this always fascinates me in big families...it's just greater evidence of how God creates each child to be so special and so unique.
The baby of the family....I had to sneak up on him most of the time - he would shut down the minute he realized the camera was aimed in his direction.
The oldest - to me he just looks like a first child - maybe the rule follower, pretty responsible for his age?? I don't know, I'm just speculating here. :)
The second in line - he was such a funny guy! It was hard to get him to look serious. Is he a class clown of sorts??
And the third child...he was very quiet, but oh so adorable. To me he looks like a future jock - don't know why. He just looks like he could be a football player someday! :)
This is probably one of my favorite family portraits of the year. Love everything about it!
Boys will be boys...
Heidi - forgive my "insightful" analysis of your boys - who knows, I'm probably way off base. I just know that you should be very proud of your handsome bunch.